UBS1220 Mobile Screen


Free-standing Hygiene Screens by Idea Showcases are here to help you and your customers from spreading Coronavirus.

• Creates a protection barrier against direct coughs and sneezes.
• Creates a physical division to help social distancing when groups of
people share an indoor space.
• Hygiene Screens direct the flow of footfall and create barriers that help protect areas
without visually blocking any space.
• These kits can be couriered to location and easily assembled in minutes.
• They can be easily moved into a position to give the most protection.
• They are re-usable. Disassembled, reassembled, moved or repositioned.
• They are modular. Create as large a division as needed.
• The transparent screen allows full communication.
• Free-standing Hygiene Screens can be easily cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Dimensions: 1200mm x 2000mm

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